all the water in the world became one sea; oh, what a mighty sea it would be.
And if all the men in the world became one man, oh, what a mighty man he would
be. And if all the trees in the world became one tree; oh, what a mighty tree
it would be. And if all the axes in the world became one axe; oh, what a mighty
battle axe it would be.
And if that one man took that one mighty axe, and cut
down that one mighty tree.
And if that one mighty tree fell into that one great
sea. . . Oh what a mighty splash there would be. The
tree is the entire body of sin, the axe is grace and the sacraments, the sea is
the time given us, the man, is you and me.
This script is composed for the person who
is determined to live a holy life as the saints did. It will bring consolation
for the person walking the “narrow road” that is the way of the Cross.
young woman burning with hunger and thirst for God said, Father, Scripture says that the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23.) I beg
you therefore, teach me how to destroy the very root of sin. Now, because
the Father hated wasting time, he
Gazed steadily into her eyeballs and spoke,
you ask me dear child to teach you the greatest science in the world—the road
to eternal union with the Omnipotent God.
Do you know you are looking for the greatest treasure in all the world?
Therefore, give me three good reasons why you ask it of me, and I will not
delay to teach you. She began, first,
my soul is immortal (will never die) but
sin will separate me from God for ever in the fires that cannot be
quenched (Mk 9:43-48). Second, the only
thing that can ever connect me with the devil is sin; and sin truly makes me a
partner with the evil one (Wisdom 2:24).
Third, I have come to know that sin is
a thief. My sins promised to give me
pleasure, happiness, wealth, position, favor comfort and power, but
each time I sinned I realized that sin is only a deceiver stealing peace, the
friendship of God and every good thing from my poor soul (John 10:10).
“It is not flesh and blood that
revealed this to you”, said the priest, “but the Spirit of God. Therefore we
shall begin. However, since you said rightly that your soul shall never die, I
will give you a new name by which I shall call you from now on.” “What name?”
She asked. “Immortales” he said. And she responded: “Truly, My
name is Immortales for my soul lives forever. So be it.”
“Immortales”, said the priest.
“Today, I teach you a secret. All the
sin in the world come from only seven deadly roots!” “What does that mean?” she
asked. “If all the sins in the world may be described as one tree, that tree
has only seven roots”, said the priest. “Therefore, whoever is able to find
these seven deadly roots and destroy them is free from the slavery of sin.” “Do
not delay, Father”, she said. “Be quick to teach me this great secret.”
For the second time, he gazed into
her eyes. With a deep sigh, his face broke into a fatherly, gentle and loving
smile. Then he said, “when you find them (the seven roots of sin), Immortales,
my child, you will be on the road to union with God.”